pyOptions ========= a function for getting and setting options in the PythonInR package. The following options are available: \itemize{ \item *numpyAlias* a character giving the numpy alias, the default value is "numpy". \item *useNumpy* a logical giving if numpy should be used if getting and setting matrices. \item *pandasAlias* a character giving the pandas alias, the default value is "pandas". \item *usePandas* a logical giving if pandas should be used if getting and setting data.frames. \item *winPython364* a logical indicating if Python 3 64-bit under windows is used, this option is set automatically at startup and shouldn't be changed. } Usage ----- .. code-block:: R pyOptions(option, value) Arguments --------- .. raw:: html
option   a character giving the option to set or get.
value   the new value of the option.
Examples -------- .. code-block:: R \dontrun{ pyOptions() pyExec("import numpy as np") pyOptions("numpyAlias", "np") pyOptions("useNumpy", TRUE) pyExec("import pandas as pd") pyOptions("pandasAlias", "pd") pyOptions("usePandas", TRUE) }