pyAttach ======== A convenience function to attach Python objects to R. Usage ----- .. code-block:: R pyAttach(what, env = parent.frame()) Arguments --------- .. raw:: html
what   a character vector giving the names of the Python objects, which should be attached to R.
env   the environment where the virtual Python objects are assigned to.
Examples -------- .. code-block:: R if ( pyIsConnected() ){ pyExec("import os") ## attach to global ## ---------------- ## attach the function getcwd from the module os to R. pyAttach("os.getcwd", .GlobalEnv) os.getcwd os.getcwd() ## attach the string object to R pyAttach("", .GlobalEnv) pyExecp("") ## Since is attached to the globalenv it can be set without using ## the global assignment operator = "Hello Python from R!" pyExecp("") ## Please note if you don't pyAttach to globalenv you have to use ## the global assignment operator to set the values of the Python objects ## attach to a new environment ## --------------------------- os <- new.env() attach(os, name="python:os") pyAttach(paste("os", pyDir("os"), sep="."), as.environment("python:os")) os.sep os.sep = "new sep" ## this doesn't changes the value in Python but only ## assigns the new variable os.sep to globalenv os.sep .GlobalEnv$`os.sep` as.environment("python:os")$`os.sep` pyExecp("os.sep") ls() ls("python:os") os.sep <<- "this changes the value in Python" .GlobalEnv$`os.sep` as.environment("python:os")$`os.sep` pyExecp("os.sep") }