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Type Casting

(under construction (last change 17.05.2015))

R to Python (pySet)

R length (n) Python
NULL   None
any type 0 None
logical 1 boolean
integer 1 integer
numeric 1 double
character 1 unicode
logical n > 1 list
integer n > 1 list
numeric n > 1 list
character n > 1 list
list without names n > 0 list
list with names n > 0 dict
matrix n > 0 dict
data.frame n > 0 dict
NOTE (named lists):
When executing pySet("x", list(b=3, a=2)) and pyGet("x") the

order of the elements in x will change. This is not a special behavior of PythonInR but the default behavior of Python.

NOTE (matrix):
Matrices are either transformed to an dictionary with the keys
- matrix the matrix stored as list of lists
- rownames the row names of the matrix
- colnames the column names of the matrix
- dim the dimension of the matrix
or to an numpy array (if the option useNumpy is set to TRUE).
NOTE (data.frame):
Data frames are either transformed to an dictionary with the keys
- data.frame the data.frame stored as a dictionary
- rownames the rownames of the data.frame
- dim the dimension of the data.frame
of to an pandas data.frame (if the option usePandas is set to TRUE).

R to Python (pyGet)

Python R simplify
boolean logical TRUE / FALSE
integer integer TRUE / FALSE
double numeric TRUE / FALSE
string character TRUE / FALSE
unicode character TRUE / FALSE
bytes character TRUE / FALSE
list list FALSE
list list or vector TRUE
dict named list FALSE
dict named list or vector TRUE
NOTE (bytes):
In short, in Python 3 the data type string was replaced by the data

type bytes. More information can be found here.